Dangal Movie is a 2016 Indian Hindi-language historical games show movie coordinated by Nitesh Tiwari and created by Aamir Khan and Kiran Rao under Aamir Khan Creations with Siddharth Roy Kapur under The Walt Disney Organization India. The film stars Khan as Mahavir Singh Phogat, a pehlwani novice grappler who prepares his little girls Geeta Phogat and Babita Kumari to turn into India’s most memorable top notch female grapplers. Fatima Sana Shaikh and Sanya Malhotra depict the grown-up renditions of the two Phogat sisters, Zaira Wasim and Suhani Bhatnagar their more youthful variants, Sakshi Tanwar their mom, and Aparshakti Khurana grown-up form of their cousin, Ritvik Sahore his more youthful adaptation, every one of them aside from Tanwar and Sahore in their film debuts.